3DSolex Printcore Engineer 400 C


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We bring the nozzle to 395C, you do the rest.
395 C Maximum temperature. 220 C Minimum temperature.

SKU: Test Engineer 400 Categories: , ,
  • Description


    The Hardcore ENGINEER 400 C is a drop-in replacement for the standard Print Core AA.

    This is a “Bleeding Edge” product.

    ULTIMAKER S3 and S5.


    QUESTION: How can it reach 395C, when the Ultimaker only can “dial up” 350 C ?
    Answer: We are manipulating the electronics in the Hardcore Engineering 400 C. When your Ultimaker shows 350C, the tip is actually 400C. We supply you with a simple translating table.

    Attention: Outgassing from filaments printed at these temperatures are not healthy, and the safety sheets of the manufacturer must be observed. -Also, the fans of the printhead must be working. Can it start a fire? Answer,: Yes, it can. All 3d printing at temperatures over 200C is assiciated with som risk. The higher the temperature, the higher the risk.

    Should the fans in the printer stop working, and no alarm goes off,  and at the same time the temp sensor is destroyed, and the printer does not detect temp sensor failure, then the temperature of the core will increase until the heater is destroyed. Most probably the electronics in the printer head will fail long before all this.

    THE MAIN DANGER is the outgassing of from the materials being printed. Please study the safety documents which come with your printer. * All metal hot end. * There is no sale to consumers, no exception.

    This is not a consumer product, it is for laboratory use.
    * There is limited guarantee for the Hardcore Engineer 400 C.
    * You know it if you need this product.
    * Will not work well under 220C, due to PID issues.
    * Does not work with PLA.

    * Core rebuild (regardless of fault, cost 125 Eur, incl. return DHL Express).
    * Hardcore Engineer 400 C ships with tools for nozzle change, and the following nozzzles: 1 x 0.40 Brass Ice standard AA / BB nozzle 2 x 0.50 mm Stainless Steel 1 x 0.60 mm  EVERLAST Sapphire Attention: Brass nozzles will be softer at these elevated temperatures, and last shorter. Optional extras: Various nozzles sizes. Additional information: All parts are plated (not SS nozzle) and of exceptional quality. Each nozzle is a tiny little masterpiece and of a uniquely high build quality ( not 0.50 mm SS which is a standard nozzle).
    We are pressing the prices down to a reasonable level, you and your printer deserve it! Warning: The nozzles will not fit any other block. The Hardcore can only use these nozzles. Mixing other nozzles/ blocks will destroy both block and nozzle. Guarantee does not cover destroyed Block / nozzle due to threading failure.
    * Guarantee: The Hardcore is classified as a consumable. This means that much like tires on a car it wears out quickly or slowly depending on use. However; we introduce a limited guarantee for our Hardcore Engineer: We will restore any faulty Hardcore Engineer 400C  for 125 Eur, including return DHL EXPRESS Shipping.


  • Additional information

    Additional information

    Weight 0,15 kg
    Dimensions 13 × 8 × 3 cm
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